Group Processes and Communication

As we changed groups heading into assignment 3, we have heard and learnt from the experiences of a couple of different groups, as to what to do, and what not to do when it comes to communication. This group will communicate using a plethora of different methods. These will include:

  • Microsoft Teams –This is where most of the communication will take place. Two official recorded meetings per week will take place on teams on Monday night and Thursday night. All the tasks will be tracked and ticked off as completed on teams, using the Kanban board in general chat. Various channels will be made to upload different documents to, so everyone can keep track and read others work, and if need be, help edit and finalise.
  • Microsoft Teams chat–Halfway through the assignment a team chat was created in Microsoft teams to develop more communication on a single platform and encourage more participation in the informal chit chat and communication that was being performed on discord. Also, with the Microsoft team notifications it would be easier to keep track of the teams' messages so that all members would be enticed to participate.
  • Discord –This will be for other communication and chit chat. Used to bond as a team and talk about things unrelated to the assignment, as well as keeping track of how everyone is going and to ask for help if you need it. Used as a source to relax and know each other in a less professional environment.
  • Student e-mail –This will be used to e-mail out the agenda each week as well as contacting members who aren’t responding to other sources.

Before each meeting on Monday and Thursday an Agenda will be sent via e-mail to everyone in the group so that everyone has a chance to read it and ask to add topics that may not be discussed. Official meetings will take place twice a week but with the nature of many tasks being worked on in pairs and being interconnected, many unofficial meetings in smaller groups will take place throughout the week. With the nature of our group being online and every member in a different part of the world, all communication will be done through the three programs mentioned above.

If a group member becomes unresponsive, we will utilise the programs mentioned above. If they don’t respond on discord, teams or via e-mail. A last resort message will be sent on CANVAS in the group section. If we hear nothing for days and a meeting is missed without a response or the member reaching out and letting us know the issue, the tutors of our group members and the course co-ordinator, will be informed of the situation and asked to help reach out to the unresponsive member. If we don’t hear back from the member within a week their work will be reassigned and when we finish and fill out contribution forms and feedback this will be noted.